Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Launching This Adventure

Stepping from the shadows into the light is always a difficult challenge for me. I am excited and blessed to begin this adventure with you. I have had my wavering back and forth about beginning a blog, but through some encouragement, prayers and a lot of faith, here I am.

I love Jesus! and I am not afraid to say. I am not ashamed of Jesus, he held nothing back and submitted himself to cruelty to saved me. Through his unimaginable gift, I have received more that I can imagine this side of heaven. Many things I write will be thought provoking, simply because I am not afraid to take on somethings related to Christianity that others shy away from. I am not into the mystical side of Christianity, but I do have a living, breathing, daily walk with Jesus, that I want to share with you.

I hope you will enjoy my pondering and share them with those you love. We walk together through this life, fighting and squabbling among each other is not the way of love. Seeking to develop a deeper relationship with God and His unconditional love is my goal, I hope it is yours as well.

With Blessings

Copyright@2009Tathorpe All rights reserved

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