Thursday, July 5, 2012

Boundaries of Fear

It almost sounds impossible to believe that Fear has a boundary, especially to those who have been overwhelmed by the effects, but the good news is Fear can be extinguished once given the right information.

Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown. The first example of fear is given in Genesis after the fall of man, “Toward evening, they heard the Lord walking about the garden, so they hid themselves among the trees. The Lord called to Adam, “Where are you?” He replied, I heard you, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”” (Genesis 3:8-10NLT). The first reaction of fear is to hide or escape.

Fear, if used properly can save your life, removing you from a dangerous situation, but fear used improperly can rob you of your life. The sin that entered into all of creation brought with it the wrong kind of fear, the kind that breeds shame and confusion. This fear separates us from God, from his healing power to restore and renew our purpose.

John wrote, “Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid it is for fear of judgment, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us.” (1 John 4:18).

John spoke of the godly love we should possess in our lives and reflect to others, but fear will disarm that love. When we live in fear, we become immobile and cannot grow and develop godly character.

The Fear of Failure plagues many of us as well as the Fear of Disappointing God. Both are detrimental to your emotional well-being and your spiritual life. There is only one remedy for those fears, are you ready? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have pleased God! It may sound odd but that is the only thing God the Father asks of you.

If that is true, you might ask, then why are so many suffering from this fear? The suffering continues because they have not understood nor believed this foundational truth. You cannot please God outside of Jesus Christ and to please God you must believe what he has said to be true; otherwise, you are calling him a liar.

Next, let us disarm the Fear of Failure. Have placed your faith in Jesus’ finished work at the cross? Then you cannot fail! The life and blood that Jesus paid on the cross is the complete atonement for the failures of men. Once you trust in his completed work, you reap the benefits! “Therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Condemnation means: to declare unfit for use, useful for nothing, to be judged, cast off and the like. In Christ Jesus you cannot fail, his blood secures you.

The true meaning of failure is never attempting anything! Those who try and do not accomplish what they set out to achieve have not failed, they simply are continuing to grow. Are you continuing to grow? It takes time to learn how to overcome these fears and many others. No one is immune and we must constantly trust Jesus to lead us in his victory march. Let him show you what he wants from you. Grow in his love and live the life he gave you in complete victory over fear.

Further encouragement read Psalms 34 aloud, may the words encourage your heart and strengthen your faith!


Unknown said...

YW Mike - I am glad it blessed your day! Thanks for stopping by

Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

So many live in just the type of fear you describe, Terrie. Your post is a great reminder as long as we cling to our faith, we need not be afraid.

Beautifully written, great points to meditate on and ponder.