Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Blog Chain

Welcome once more to our monthy blog chain. This month's theme is “Leap” I thought it was interesting that the date I chose also is packed with spiritual meaning. The number eight (8) is quite special in God's Word since He used it in many ways: Eight people saved from the flood, On the eight day the male child was circimcised, Jesus met with Thomas eight days after the resurection. There are many other significances to the number 8, but what it means is New Beginings- cool huh! So that is the premise of my post. I hope you enjoy and also visit the other blogs of our growing number of talented Christian bloggers listed on the right side bar.  

A New Beginning

You probably didn't realize all the wonderful possibilities that await you, moving from one comfort zone to something less known, but that is where the possibilities to materialize.

For so many years I took for granted each new day. Waking up and going about my business without any sense of what the day would bring. More often than not, my well ingrained routine maintained my life on auto-pilot. Wearing blinders through the drive to work, elements of change going on all around didn't phase my opinion or direction.

I was not looking for anything special, my routine life seemed quite satisfying. Yet my soul was searching for something. I had dreams that were being crushed by living life on auto-pilot. Those dreams cried out like a child trapped in a dark cave, crying out, looking for a way to fulfill their mission.

It was a day, just like any other when I met Jesus- and my whole life changed! Little did I know that waking up that morning, crawling out of my warm comfy bed into the morning light would be the last time I woke up in darkness. I had no idea where we would go or what I'd do, but my soul was engaged and my body was filled with life and light.

Later I realized that He had been looking for me and calling my name, but listening to His voice was not part of my routine. He sat up detours and road blocks, but my auto-pilot knew how to evade those obstacles, so our paths didn't intersect. My heart made excuses for those supposed encounters as only coincidence, and my mind would not accept something that I couldn't control.

How foolish I felt when I learned the truth! The one that loves me, gave his life for me, totally forgave me of my ignorance and blesses me with every good and perfect thing, was patiently waiting for the right moment to reveal himself to me. Growing in that truth is a daily new beginning.

I see life from a totally new prospective. I see the trees, smell the flowers, watch the clouds and admire the wild life that God so masterfully created. I see my life with unlimited possibilities. Comfort zones are for those who don't know the truth. They are still trapped by fear of unworthiness, believing the lie of the evil one who wants to keep all God's potential away from those who would give him glory.

As children of the Living God we have great power to influence those around us. We don't need to wear symbols that identify us as Christians, all we need to do is wear a smile, have a listening ear, show kindness, assist those in need and let the light of love flow out of us to those in darkness. It's through our attitude of love that God can bring about new beginnings in others.

It takes a leap of faith to trust in the name of Jesus, but it takes a renewed mind to the truth of his love that makes every day a miracle, filled with possibilities and wonder!

Copyright©2012 – tathorpe- All Rights Reserved-


From Carols Quill said...

Terrie--this is the most beautiful thing of yours I've read yet. "The last time I woke up in darkness" completely took my breath away.

Really beautifully written.

Traci B said...

Wonderful post, Terrie, full of light and love and hope. Great leap for the chain. :)

Pegg Thomas said...

Poetic and powerful testimony.

Suzette Emilia said...

This was amazing. I so needed something like this today, thank you. :)

Unknown said...

Carol- you are such a blessing and encouragement to me. Thank you for your time and your kind words

Unknown said...

Traci B- I am so glad you were blessed by contribution to the chain. Thank you for stopping by

Unknown said...

Pegg so glad you stopped by. I feel so blessed by your comment. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Suzette- Thank you for your encouraging words. I love to read posts that speak to my situation. The Lord is amazing and I am humbled to know he used my words to encourage you. Blessings sweet sister, the best is yet to come :)

Christine L.Henderson said...

What a joyful testimony. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Got your note on the Liebster Award. Let me know what I need to do.

Unknown said...

Chris Thank you for your wonderful comment and your blessing of stopping by.

Bill Jones said...

Fantastic, Terrie! Very well written and moving.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bill! I had such a block trying to write this post, but the words seemed to come together as I kept praying "OK Lord what do you want me to say"

I am very encouraged and blessed by all the wonderful comments- I am looking forward to the other posts by the "chain gang"

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

What a great message! Thank you for sharing.

chris said...

Wonderful, your possibilities really are unlimited with Him in the picture :)

Cindee Snider Re said...

"...every day a miracle, filled with possibilities and wonder" Terrie, those are my favorite words of this beautiful post! I'm so glad He didn't leave you there on auto-pilot. Could you imagine missing even one more day of wonder and possibility? :) Blessings to you, Friend!

Jack Brown said...

all we need to do is wear a smile, have a listening ear, show kindness, assist those in need and let the light of love flow out of us to those in darkness.

Spot on Evangelism.

biig hug

P. Creeden said...

The most worthy of all leaps! praise God he catches us!

Deborah K. Anderson said...

Beautiful testimony, Terrie!

Praying that God will continue to use you to bless others. :-)

Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

I agree with the other comments, beautifuly written testimony of the difference faith makes in this life.

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your comments and blessing. All the applause is for Jesus, without the Truth of who He is and what He did for all of us, none of this would be possible. Hallelujah!!