Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July Blog Chain

This month's Blog Chain topic is “Freedom.” I have decided to use an excerpt from my book “Am I Really Saved-Answering Questions of Christians” as my post.  The book is available on Amazon in book or ebook formats, also available through my author website. 

As a special offer-anyone who goes to my author website and signs my guest book will be sent a coupon for 25% off the purchase through my eStore. This offer is good through July 31, 2011.  See link below.

Be sure to visit my fellow bloggers websites listed on the CW Blog Chain. Enjoy!



Freedom is the desire of every human heart. We long to be free of suffering, living happily ever after. Webster's dictionary describes freedom as: 1) Not to be under another’s control; 2) Loose, clear unrestricted; 3) Liberty; 4) Independence; 5) Ease of movement; 6) State of being free. This is a clear depiction of freedom in the world. God’s defines freedom as Salvation: The deliverance from slavery; or from some great distress by the intervention of God.
Webster's definition is clear how the world chooses freedom “not to be under another's control.” Our sinful nature desires to be unrestricted, living life to our standards of happiness.
Have you ever found yourself trapped by your sin nature? No matter what you try it never comes together the way you imagined. We desire freedom, wanting it at all costs, we will even move outside of Christ's protection to get it. 
This desire has caused all the scars in our lives. When Jesus is in control our joy abounds and we are totally free. We are not controlled by our evil desires that feed our flesh.
 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you. I have plans, to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah. 29:11).
 Our Almighty God has designed an individual blue print for our lives to give us “hope and a future” and not a hopeless existence.
The world’s kind of freedom wants the ability to choose whatever it wants based on what it believes will bring happiness, no matter what it takes to get it. That kind of freedom is pure slavery. When our judgment is clouded we instinctively choose wrong. We choose those self serving desires (Ephesians 5:13) by our lack of godly wisdom.
When we choose a life surrendering to God, living for Him and seeking Him in His Word, we are given the right information. By renewing our mind; we begin to see what truly matters. Our values change, our lifestyle’s change and resulting in changes in those around us.
God gave us a remarkable gift of free will. It’s the ability to choose to live our lives for Him or ourselves.  The path we choose either ends up in victory over the flesh or a path of feeding it. One way ends in life and the other ends in death.
Because of our sin nature, we instinctively follow the flesh into a feeding frenzy. The decision to fight our flesh is a difficult, but we are guaranteed victory through Christ. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).
Because of our sins, we could never experience true freedom, the one God designed. We may long for it, but can never know it outside of Christ. Some Christians hope things will get better in their lives, others accept the status quo, and never knowing there is true freedom available. They’ve stopped seeking, knocking and asking the Lord for more of Him.
The Bible says that we don’t automatically receive all things the Lord has for us, we must continually engage Him. In order to receive full measure of blessing, we must take steps forward then He will reveal the next, that’s called growing faith.
Because of this sin nature, we don’t know real love. We can’t give love until we are loved. That may sound odd, but it’s true. “It’s not that we loved Him, it’s that He first loved us and chose to give us right standing with himself.”(Ephesians 1:4).
When God created the heavens and the earth, He said it was good, but when God created man He said it was very good, excellent in every way,  pleased with all He had made (Genesis 1:31).
It gave Him great pleasure to make all these things, perfect in every way. I hear a deep sense of satisfaction, when He set things in motion by His command. “Go multiply and fill the earth” There was great joy, the angel’s sang and everything lived in balance. Evil lurked ready to cast its dim shadow of death and destruction.
Sin entered the world through bad information. Eve was deceived into believing a half truth, but Adam deliberately sinned, he was not deceived. I sometimes wonder if Adam thought God was holding out on him. Whatever Adam thought nothing on earth would ever be the same. “All creation groans to be set free from death.” (Romans 8:20-21).
Some believe at this point God washed His hands of us, walked away to leaving us to figure it out on our own. This is completely untrue, His love is too great. He had a plan, Operation Salvation in motion.
According to God’s standard, one stain of rebellion against is authority (sin) would disqualify anyone from the presence of His Holiness. The penalty of rebellion is forever separated from him. Hell is a special prison created by God for those who refuse to obey His authority. Mankind is the object of His affections; Hell was not created for us.
God designed a perfect plan to redeem mankind, but first there was work to do. It would take many years to complete. There was never a question of the success. God, in His mercy removed Adam and Eve from the garden. Not as punishment, as some might think, but it was protection. If they ate from the tree of life, they would live forever in their rebellious state. (Genesis 1:22).
The Bible tells us that within a few generations sin was rampant in all the earth. God saw Noah, a sinner, a man who desired to live for and honor God. So, God chose Noah and his family to be spared from destruction in the flood. Then God saw Abram, a sinner, who also desired a life to live for and honor God. So, God chose to make a covenant (promise) to Abram that he would have a son in his old age and through that son he would become the father of many nations. God saw David, a sinner, a man who loved God with all his heart. God made him King over his people and made a promise that one of his descendants would be the promised Savior, who would take away the sins of the world. That promise was made complete in Jesus.
God could have made a bunch of yes men, those who would have obeyed Him fully, but He never wanted that. He desires our love, devotion, honor, and for us to live in His freedom. 
The Lord God is greater than we can imagine, His love is deeper than we can fathom. We were born into slavery and rebellion against Him, but His great love made a way.  You'll never find or enjoy true freedom outside of Jesus Christ!

Excerpt taken from- Am I Really Saved-Answering Questions of Christians
copyright©2010 Terrie Thorpe –All rights reserved-


E. G. Lewis said...

So true. The world wants license, not freedom. Freddom is found in discipline and rules. Which is happier, the well-trained pet dog lying by the fire or a mongel eating out of garbage cans, dodging cars, and getting soaked with rain?
Peace and Blessings

Victor Travison said...

Yes, indeed, the world has it completely backward. Freedom is not granted by deserving it, but earning it. What they call freedom is really slavery, and vice versa. Living in and for Christ is the best freedom to be found.

~ VT

Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

I agree. Too many equate freedom with having their own way instead of having the right to choose their life course. Great post, Terrie.

Unknown said...

Thank you E.G. for your comment. Most people struggle with the thoughts of surrendering to Jesus-they don't understand how much the Father loves us. It's not slavery it is true freedom to discover the vastness of His love.

Unknown said...

Thank you Victor for your comment-Yes indeed the world does have it all backwards-that is what this awful sin nature does to us- that is why Jesus gave his life free us. Scripture is quite clear that freedom is what salvation is all about. As Christians that is the message we need to teach others, but it comes through us really understand scriptures and being mature in Christ.

Unknown said...

Thank you Cecilia for your comment-This is why the Lord set boundaries in the garden- not to restrict, but give total freedom in his love. Stepping outside God's boundaries leads to nothing but heartache, pain, confusion of who we are. We would be really sunk if we had to try to earn God's love, but he freely gives it, calls to us to come and live in his protective bounds. None of this would have been possible without Jesus' love for us- to lay down his life to purchase our freedom- Hallelujah!! Forever Hallelujah!!

chris vonada said...

Great post, I agree that we've got this freedom thing a little mixed up here on earth. Thanks!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mike for your comment! My desire it that people would actually read God's Word and not through stones at it thinking it's a book of condemnation, when it is a book of Blessings spoken by God to us his creation.
Many Blessing with your writing endeavors

Unknown said...

Yes Chris - we certainly do! If we could trust God's love boundaries for us, we'd be much better off. But instead we think we know what is good for us-and fall right into a death trap.

Thank you for your comment and many blessings to you

Tracy Krauss said...

It continues to be the paradox of the ages - freedom through surrender to Christ

Unknown said...

Thank you Tracy for stopping by-Yes I have to agree that somehow we just can't equate freedom with surrender. Blessings

Unknown said...

"When we choose a life surrendering to God, living for Him and seeking Him in His Word, we are given the right information. By renewing our mind; we begin to see what truly matters. Our values change, our lifestyle’s change and resulting in changes in those around us."

AMEN ~ Good luck with your sales!

Traci B said...

People want freedom from responsibility and accountability, but there is no such thing. Our freedom in Christ is from the eternal consequences of our sin nature; it's wholely undeserved, yet God chose to grant it, and for those who have received it, that freedom is the best gift conceiveable. Excellent post, my sister.

Adam Collings said...

Hi Terrie. Thanks for highlighting the paradox of freedom and slavery. It is truly a fascinating thing to think about.

Unknown said...

Thank you Nona for stopping by and for my first quote!!! Wow thank you! The Lord has blessed everyone who has read this book and I know His hand is upon it's success. Thank you for your blessing.

Blessings to you and your writings

Unknown said...

Traci thank you for stopping by- yes, it's true that people want freedom apart from responsibility and accountability- that is the ugliness of what sin does to our mind. We think we can escape, but it's a lie from the evil one. I am so thankful that the Lord renews our mind with his truth and wiped the slate clean of our sins so we can learn to love as he loves.

Blessings to you

Unknown said...

Adam thank you for your comment- Even now I meditate on this wonderful freedom and struggle sometimes to stay there and not get caught up in rules and regulations. God loves us and has forgiven us so unimaginably that it blows the mind. I focus on growing in his love and being a reflection to others.

Blessings to you and your endeavors!

Scott Fields said...

Great outline on the essentials of freedom through salvation, Terrie. You've got a great grasp of all the pieces, and how they fit together. I hope and pray many will find the truth through your words. God bless your writing!

Unknown said...

Thank you Scott for stopping by and for your beautiful comment. That is the desire of my heart to demonstrate the truth of God's love and blessings toward us in my words and actions so the whole world would understand and embraced His truth. Just another voice calling out in cyberspace.

Blessings Bro with your writing and all you set your hand to!

lynnmosher said...

Terrie, I'm sorry I'm late in commenting this month. So true...we can never enjoy true freedom apart from Jesus! Such a great excerpt!

Cindee Snider Re said...

Well, AMEN! Well written, completely absorbing post, Terrie! I enjoyed it from start to finish. Thank you and I pray these words will touch many.

Unknown said...

Lynn Thank you your thoughts are all encouraging. Blessings sister!!

Unknown said...

Thank you Cindee- your comment made my day!
