Thursday, January 20, 2011

Over Burdened?

Feeling tired? Do you wake up in the morning under pressure to be everything to everyone in your life? Do you force yourself out of bed to perform all the tasks that leave you exhausted? Do you ever wonder “Where's the joy? Where's the reward for all this hard work?”

We work harder than any generation before us, but the harder we work the further behind we are, playing catch up with every step. Who is that unseen taskmaster who so brutally drives us on? Take a look in the mirror.

Christians can be the hardest in the world. Some feel to be approved by God they must be the most gracious, forgiving, hard working, and self-denying creatures on the planet. Being perfect husbands; perfect wives; having perfect homes; raising perfect children, holding down jobs and serve, serve, serve! This is the lie of the enemy and it has been firmly cemented into Christian life.

We have taken on the yoke of bondage willingly, because we don't understand what the scriptures say about freedom in Christ. Many are familiar with the phrase unequally yoked and equate it to being married to an unbeliever, but that phrase applies to all of our relationships. It simply means: opposing forces or not walking together.

Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)

Although we have been set free, we still struggle with worldly issues of performance. As long as we keep trying to earn God's approval through our performance, we will not experience the life Jesus purchased for us. We will not grow in love, as He desires, but live in fear of what God might do. We become unequally yoked with Jesus.

We are supposed to rest in Jesus, but how is that done? We have to believe that all our sin has been paid! If we are trying to earn salvation by our righteous acts, we are not walking with Him in freedom from guilt, shame and unworthiness; we are walking in our own efforts.

Through Jesus death on the cross and resurrection, and by our acceptance of His payment, we have been set free from performance. We have become joint heirs with Him in perfect, right standing with the Father. Have you received this truth?

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1 NKJV)

Copyright©2011 tathorpe-All Rights Reserved-

1 comment:

Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

Very timely as we enter into a new year with new challenges and new goals. Good to take the time to reflect on what is the most important endeavor - to be closer to God - not necessarily busier! Thanks, Terri. Beautiful post.